Saturday, March 9, 2019

Teri Dryden show at B Deemer

these are heavy paper on top layer support, then canvas sealed with some kind of medium, then mounted on wood panels 1 1/2 inch thick

Monday, February 18, 2019

Possible "home" photos

Totally unedited, stream-of-consciousness, probably way more photos than you want to look at.  I sure wish I had a few more days to work on this!   All comments VERY GRATEFULLY appreciated! 

Not all of these are decrepit, although I could probably find more decrepit photos with more time to search. 

I know that all of these photos in a big bunch do not go together.  Presumably for the show I would select four or six that have some visual or conceptual link -- such as the ones where the front door is slightly visible but the focus of the photo is the decorative stuff out front (e.g. the first two photos).

I would probably photoshop out the ADT sign in this one.  (or not?)

I could easily do a half dozen photos of pumpkins on front porches.  too bad the show isn't in October.

Friday, January 6, 2017

donated to Jeffersonville Arts Alliance auction

Mountains at Noon

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Monday, September 19, 2016